Wednesday 16 January 2013


 1.  Nigerian musicians are taking the world by storm. In every city in every continent in the world today, music made by Nigerians has become one of the most important positive identifiers of the Nigerian nation. For every Tu Face Idibia that is considered a success story, there are many other equally talented young Nigerians seeking a little assistance to help propel them to a better future. For every P Square making waves from Cape Town to Cairo, there are many more talented twins who with some help can rewrite the history of Nigerian music. The COSON Music Foundation can provide the assistance they need, ensuring that these talents are not wasted, providing a path to gainful employment to gifted Nigerians who the Devil may otherwise have used to torment the nation.

2. Around the country are many who have used their music to give so much happiness to many of our countrymen but who today as a result of age, infirmity or some incident outside their control spend their lives in indescribable misery. In a calling where there is no pension, no gratuity and no insurance scheme, the COSON Music Foundation can provide the support mechanism to put smiles back on the faces of many who today are virtually hopeless and guarantee those who are presently active that if that day comes when they may no longer be on top of their game, they can be sure of a safety net to cushion any fall.

3.  To develop the Nigerian music of the future that has the potency to rule the world, energize our tourism industry and be a key tool for national mobilization, there is need for constant research and training of the minds that will seize upon the great potentials that abound in our nation and unleash that creative energy on the world in an articulated sense. Very little research is presently going on in this area even in our best institutions because there are no resources and very little leadership. The COSON Music Foundation can provide the resources and leadership to trigger a new economic and cultural revolution based on the effervescent Naija spirit driven by the music and popular culture of the Nigerian people in an area in which our nation has strong international comparative advantage.

4. All over Nigeria, musicians continue to pay a huge price for the massive abuse of intellectual property rights. This abuse seriously discourages investment in the music industry causing a drain on the national economy. Even when there are clear plans to address the infringement of intellectual property rights in Nigeria, there are very limited resources to activate the plans. The COSON Music Foundation ought to provide resources to intensify the battle against piracy and other forms of abuse of the rights of musicians in Nigeria thereby creating a better environment for investment in the music

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