Friday 11 January 2013


 ‘The rash of avoidable deaths and incapacitation from manageable ailments that have hit the Nigerian creative community in recent times are some of the reasons behind my total commitment to the big launch of the COSON Music Foundation in 2013’ so says the Chairman of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji.  According to the COSON Chair, ‘All over the country, there are very talented people from the creative community suffering from diseases that are curable or living in situations that are heart breaking and our nation appears unable to do anything about these situations. I agree that we will not be able to solve everyone’s problems but we should not be so handicapped that we cannot do anything for anyone. All we seem to do is to pray. Prayer is good but prayer without action is not good enough’
Chief Okoroji says, ‘despite the great passion that a lot of people have for football, I have met many who cannot stand football. Rice is probably the most loved food in the world yet there are people who do not eat rice. I have travelled round the world and I am yet to find one person who does not love music. As we begin 2013, I am going to beg everyone who loves music to contribute to the COSON Music Foundation so that we can prevent the untimely death of another music talent or give an opportunity to some indigent talented person to bloom. I intend to campaign every day and everywhere and we will turn hopelessness to enchanting smiles. I have no doubt that once again we will prove that complaining is not just enough, we can actually solve problems in Nigeria’

Chief Okoroji is calling on everyone who has been moved by a piece of music to contribute something to the COSON Music Foundation account no. 2022235592 at First Bank of Nigeria saying that every drop will help make the dream a reality.

Preparations are already in full gear at the Opebi Lagos Headquarters of COSON for a massive launch of the COSON Music Foundation. The COSON Music Foundation will be a depository of funds to assist indigent musicians or musicians in distress. The Foundation will also provide funding for music education and training for young musicians, deliver insurance schemes to assist musicians in their time of need, provide robust intervention in the battle against piracy etc. COSON believes that these are important objectives requiring considerable resources which the distributable funds of the organization may not be readily applied to because of the regulatory framework under which COSON operates

The COSON Music Foundation will be formally launched in style on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 in Lagos. The launch is a major highlight of The COSON Week 2013, one week of unrivalled spectacle which will grip the attention of the nation from May 19, 2013 and rise to a crescendo on May 25, 2013 when the first COSON Song Awards is unveiled in Lagos. Nothing is being left to chance to make The COSON Week 2013 unforgettable moments in the life experience of Nigerians.

In the words of Chief Okoroji, ‘Hundreds of Nigeria’s topmost artistes are members of COSON. The build-up to the events of the COSON Week will be like nothing ever seen in Nigeria’. The COSON Chairman has said that he is giving a personal guarantee that the COSON Week 2003 will be talked about for years and years to come. ‘We are planning live broadcasts across the board and there will be something in the program to grip the attention of everyone, young, old, Christian, Muslim, old school, new school, etc. It will be a paparazzi festival and a promotional and advertising bonanza’

According to the erstwhile President of PMAN and undisputed master organizer of the big show, ‘anyone who knows me knows that I will not promise things and not deliver. With our pedigree, every corporate, communications or brand manager should have full confidence to partner with us with the assurance that we will deliver unmatched value’

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